--Wash hair every two weeks. When washing, use cool water. Shampoo hair twice in a downward motion & let conditioner sit for 5-10 minutes. Do not get conditioner on the roots of the lace as it may cause hair balding. When detangling the hair start from the bottom to the top with a wide tooth comb or brush and take your time. 

--Let hair air dry after washing if you are not in a rush. If it must be blow dried right after washing do so in sections.

--When styling hair always use a heat protectant spray before applying heat.

--For curly hair let air dry. Put moose/foam once the hair is wet or dry as well as cool water in a spray bottle for your desired look. Scrunch the hair from bottom to top. After first day of using moose/foam use water so there will not be a lot of product build up.

--Place wig on a mannequin head to keep shape and styling.

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